Most folks I have talked to to get parts and manuals have been extremely nice and helpful. However, yesterday I got one who was not. I found this neat manual called "Why Won't My Diesel Start? - Diagnostic Manual" by Kent Bergsma. It is from I initially bought it to be able to do some serious troubleshooting on Bonnie, as we had washed the engine with petroleum distillate based engine cleaner, and disintegrated the vacuum connections. I got a lot of help from Russell at, who gave me all sorts of advice, even though I had not ordered the first thing from him. However, the folks at indicated the manual was available for pdf download on their web site. I went to order, and a price for postage showed up. I made the assumption that they would be shipping me a hardcopy manual as well. So, I entered my credit card number, and all, and proceeded to try and find how I could download the pdf. When I could not, I sent a message via their contact us info, as well as called. I at least received a call back, but the lady on the other end of the telephone promptly informed me that they no longer did pdf's, that the email filters regarded their download sites as spam, etc. She also did not want to email me the pdf. Being an IT sort in my normal day job, I asked what kept them from getting past the spam filters. She did not know. I informed her that her web pages were still showing pdf download capability. She apologized, unconvincingly. I then floated the idea that I needed the manual, and what could she do to get it to me in a couple of days. She didn't get the hint or miss a beat, flatly informing me that Fedex second day would cost me about 20 bucks.
Normally I'm a believer that if you don't have something good to say about someone, then keep silent. However, one day I hope to have a number of readers of this blog, and I think I have some fiduciary responsibility to warn readers about places to stay away from. Good service should be noted. Piss poor service, especially among the fraternity of 1980's Mercedes owners, should be called out as well.